Get a better measure of how your customers feel with Opinyin's unique Comparative Linguistic Analysis Score (CLAS)TM
Nobody gives you more than an 8!
Agents game our performance metrics by asking customers for a 10!
Customers misread the scoring range!
Opinyin's patented AI turns the free-text feedback into a Comparative Linguistic Analysis Score (CLAS) ™ based on how customers say they feel.
“Scores and the scales that they come from are often fraught with problems, including the way people understand and interpret them. Opinyin starts to address (and adjusts for) a couple of the fundamental issues that exist with asking customers to rate your performance on a numerical scale.”
“Opinyin looks well positioned to help address the issues including taking an approach that focuses on discovery rather than trying to fit customer feedback into a prescribed process.”
Adrian Swinscoe, Punk CX
Leading Customer Experience Expert